KMF Traffic Group, LLC

Stuart, Florida 34997

Voice (772) 221-7971 - Cell (772)924-6993  - email:




Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR)

Basic Data — Also known as Time Stamp Data, this stands for any data collected in a timestamp format. In this format, the recorder marks every sensor activation with a time stamp of when it occurs. It is then up to the software to formulate these time stamps into the data that you will actually work with and produce data from.                                                                                                                                Per Vehicle DataThis stands for data that is stored in a vehicle-by-vehicle basis. In this format the program stores a table of the data of every individual vehicle recorded during the study.                            

BinnedThis stands for any data that has been sorted into pre-defined categories. This includes classification, speed and gap data. In this format, the data is not stored for each vehicle, but rather for each     category. For example, in a speed study a vehicle traveling at 37 mph would be added to the 36-40 speed category (or bin) of the time period it was recorded.                                                                       

Volume — This is data that has been collected with the purpose of determining the amount of vehicles traveling over the study site for a given period of time. In this format, vehicles can be counted in several   ways, such as a vehicle-by-vehicle count, a divide-by-two count, or an axle count.                                                                                                                                                                                    

Classification — This is data that has been collected with the purpose of determining what types of vehicles are traveling over the study site for a given period of time. Classifications are based on the spacing    

 and number of axles a vehicle has. The most commonly used scheme for classifying vehicles is the Federal Highway Administration’s Scheme F, which is the default used in TRAX recorders.                                 Speed — This is data that has been collected with the purpose of determining how fast vehicles are traveling over the study site for a given period of time. This data is then interpreted to provide statistics such   as 85th and 95th percentiles. Speed data can be in MPH or KPH format. Gap — This is data that has been collected with the purpose of determining when no traffic (or gaps) occur at the study site. Once a gap   occurs, this format also records how long the gap lasts. Gap data is shown in seconds of time.                                                                                                                                                                     


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