KMF Traffic Group, LLC

Stuart, Florida 34997

Voice (772) 221-7971 - Cell (772)924-6993  - email:




Manual Traffic Count

Manual traffic data collection: 1) Standard Turning Movement Studies Collect turning movement data while classifying up to 3 groups of vehicles. 2) Enhanced Turning Movement Studies Collect Turning Movement data while classifying up to 14 groups of vehicles. 3) Manual Classification Studies Collect class data based on the Federal Highway Administration's classification scheme (Scheme F), or using your own customized schemes. 4) Multi-direction Gap Studies Collect gap and count data in one direction or two directions with combined gap. 5) Stop Sign Delay Studies Measure delay and queues at stop sign controlled intersections. 6) Signalized Intersection Delay Studies Measure several vehicle delay parameters at an approach to a signalized intersection. 7) Spot Speed Studies Do speed studies to find running speeds on approaches. 8) Saturation Flow Rate Studies Collect Saturation Flow data at signalized intersections. 9) Roundabout Movement Studies Collect movement data at roundabouts while classifying up to 3 groups of vehicles. 10) Time-Stamped Studies Collect raw data with a time-stamp of every key pressed.Standard Turning Movement Studies Collect turning movement data while classifying up to 3 groups of vehicles. 11) Enhanced Turning Movement St, is the manual method etcIs the most common method of collecting traffic data (Volume, Pedestrian, Trucks, Destination,


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